Posts Tagged 'debt collectors south Africa'

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Bad Debt Recovery with Able Tracers & Debt Collectors

Bad debts typically arise when a customer or client is unable or unwilling to pay the amount due for products or services rendered. For businesses, bad debt represents a loss of revenue and can negatively impact their financial statements.

Legal Debt Collection in South Africa

Debt collection is an essential aspect of maintaining the financial health of any business. In South Africa, the legal debt collection process is a critical second phase in our recovery strategy at Able Tracers and Debt Collection.

Different Types of Debt Collection Methods in South Africa

The unfortunate truth is that debt is a normal part of most people’s lives. Although having personal debt is stressful for anyone, the fact is that businesses who offer credit services are under even more pressure.

What Actions Creditors Can Take Against You

Debt is debt and if you have it, you need to pay it. Only under extremely specific circumstances are you able to have your debt cleared. The question is, what actions are creditors allowed and not allowed to take against you, when you owe them money? In this article, our debt collectors discuss this topic in detail.

Why Your Small Business Needs a Debt Collection Agency

Easily one of the most time consuming and labour-intensive tasks is debt collection. Many times, debtors don’t take calls seriously unless they are coming from a debt collection agency or attorney.

Debt Collectors discuss lending money to friends - is it a good idea?

In this article, our debt collectors in Port Elizabeth talk about whether or not it’s a good idea to lend money to friends.

Debt Collectors South Africa - The Legal Debt Collection Process

In this article, Able Tracers and Debt Collectors South Africa outline when it may be necessary to institute legal action against a debtor and how this process works.


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